Friday, February 22, 2013

Some Winter Camp Fun...

Since we didn't get enough kids signed up to attend winter camps out at Zako (the nickname we all give the camp since it's in the village of Zakosciele), they decided to offer winter camp at the church in the afternoons.  Every day at 3pm (ok, many started arriving at 2:30!) around 25-30 kids came and we had a great time.  Tired?  Yes... but it was fun seeing them worshipping this afternoon for the parents who came.  It was a "tough" crowd in terms of attention spans, lack of self-control.... as there were some kids from the neighborhood that's a bit "rough".  But seeing these particular kiddos singing and really engaging this afternoon was quite touching.  I can't help but wonder what the seeds planted this week will bloom into in their lives.  My prayer as that the seeds have fallen into fertile soil... and that their lives will continually be watered and fertilized in a way that will keep out the weeds and thorns that threaten to destroy God's work.

This is what camp is all about.  I believe in the ministry of camps.  It was integral in my own life growing up.  We can offer and advertise various workshops such as art, photography, film, etc. that are offered at a week of camp.  We can offer English lessons with native speakers.  And thankfully, we can offer those things and know that they will be excellent in delivery, but it's all about the seeds that are planted through genuine love, fun and hearing Scripture delivered in meaningful and relevant ways.  God's words can pierce even the hardest of hearts.

Now, we have the weekend to "recoup" and it's back to school for everyone next week!  The girls have two friends sleeping over this evening (I think it's safe to say they are now all asleep!) and we have been invited over to a Polish family's house for dinner tomorrow evening.  They attend Tomy church and have an unique testimony.  We got to know them on our break in the Czech Republic last week and are touched to be asked to join them at their place for dinner.  

Blessings to all....

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