Thursday, June 12, 2008

Jeremiah 29:11

Now that our paper route ended this morning ( a bit of a break before we head out, plus we're going on vacation- up north to the fam in Wisconsin- after work next week), no matter how late I stay up... 6:09 am jars my body awake!! Then the flood of "to-do's" comes rolling in. So... I figured jump starting my day in the Word would be the best and here I am typing up the Scripture of the Day!

This particular Scripture has always been special to me. When I became serious about my walk of faith, this Scripture was written in a card to me by a family I really didn't know that well. Their daughter and I were on the gymnastics team together and I had qualified for State. They had given me a card to congratulate me, and it was the first time I was introduced to this Scripture verse. Something about Jeremiah 29:11 gave me great hope for my life even at the age of 16 (was I 16, 17? I can't remember!). Even after all these years of following Him, I've had to cling to this passage. Our journey to Poland is an expression of God's "plans for us". :)

I sit here and I think about all the people in Poland that have struggled with "hope" and having a purpose or plan for their life... just the history of their country alone, and I know why we are drawn to do what we are going to do. They need to hear this Scripture spoken in their life... give them a sense of hope as well. So as you read this verse, pray with us as we pray for all those we'll be serving this summer in Poland. May this verse touch them as it's touched me...and may this verse touch you as it's touched me.

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. "


Gretchen Magruder said...

Hey Ann!! Just wanted you to know that I've been trying to remember to pray for you and your trip (uh, even if I'm too lame to return the nice card you sent out :) ....for the details there and the details here....and for your family to experience God's amazing provision and faithfulness in your preparations!!

Ann Winans said...

thanks so much gretchen!!! :)

Ann Winans said...

thanks so much gretchen!!! :)

rachellechaseblog said...

oh i miss you so much ann! we have just started a young adults group at our church, and it is growing like crazy. 5 people have gotten saved in the last 8 months! but there is something about the sweet fellowship of another mommy who knows what it's like to really trust God! i wish we could get together for a cup of coffee and just catch up on our lives!!! hope you have a great weekend~!