Thursday, July 19, 2012

And now...Off to NH!

I know I say this every time, but where does time go?!  Tomorrow morning we take off to head back home to NH and this will be a return home that will be a memory maker I'm sure!  5 kids and 6 adults will be loading up in my brother and sister-in-law's RV to make the trek back.   We'll have a few days of showing them our favorite sights and places in NH and Maine before we leave for Poland next Friday!

So for today, we will get our "summer family vacation" bags all packed up and put our van in storage at the farm for the year.  Emotionally?  I have mostly excitement, but I've had some anxiety and worry creep up. Come on, let's be honest here.... we've had an intense last 5 months of preparations!  We had to carry some of those preparations over to our "vacation" time with family, which is fine, but it's hard to get a "break" from thinking about all we've had to get done prior to our leaving! It's a flood of emotions really,... and based on the "unknown" of schedules and things of what's to come for the year. Have we accomplished everything that truly needs to be done before we leave?  Do we have everything we need?  Are we forgetting something important?!  Ah- at one point you just have to let it go and trust that everything is ready. :)

So that's why my quiet time this morning was so important and I'm allll good for now!!

I am looking forward to this blog steering away from just "updates" on getting "prepared" to the day-to- day stories of starting our year-long journey in Poland!  Hopefully the posts will become more enjoyable, flavorful and God-inspiring!!!  Thanks for walking this road with us!  Blessings!

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