Saturday, March 10, 2012

Some passing thoughts....

I knew the next few months would be incredible. Incredibly trying while I "wait"on His provisions and pieces of the puzzle that must be placed only in His time. And incredibly awesome and humbling to be deemed chosen for this task! For those who know me well, patience is something I continually have to develop. In fact, if I'm honest with myself, I try NOT to pray for it as I know I'll then have to be placed in a situation that I'll actually have to "develop" the patience. Not sure if that's the best thing to admit, but I do know that through various life experiences in "waiting on Him" I've definitely come along way. This whole entire process and journey is developing it, so I'm thinking I don't have to ask for more... if you get what I mean. :)

We have been cleaning the house and going through things to determine if it'll be "worthy" of making it to a suitcase. We are not planning on shipping anything and I'm fairly confidant we'll be able to bring all we need in suitcases. I may be completely oblivious at this stage in the game, but it's at least "freeing" for now! We are still looking for renters as our first prospects fell through. We've had inquiries, but we've had to turn down some due to pets. Pets just won't work, unfortunately, so I continue to "wait" on Him providing just the right people!

So thankful for those who have already expressed their intent to partner with us and I've been so humbled by His goodness. I love the picture of a woven tapestry... that's our lives, don't you think? I love how He continually weaves His purposes for our lives together just at the right times of our lives... and it's all so that He can be glorified. I love that.

I will close with a heart full of appreciation... may this day find you filled with the same.

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