Monday, August 4, 2008

pics from the morning worship

The Stewart girls leading worship with "Our God is a big, big God."

The crew listening to the teaching during the morning Bible lesson!

Anna Green is the front left puppet. Mary Stewart is the front right puppet. Ed Green is the back left puppet and Mary Ellis is the back right puppet. They did a great job!
Prayer Requests:
We have two girls who are struggling with health issues. Please pray that Sara Oglesby heals quickly (I ended up teaching her classes today because she was so sick. She's been fighting a stomach virus.) Pray for Mary Ellis who is fighting a sinus infection (she was fighting it even before coming). I of all people know how frustrating it can be not being on the "top of your game." I have been, thankfully, doing very well and feel little to no pain with my back. Finally!!
The team is doing a great job! They are filling in whenever and wherever and have great attitudes. It's always scary teaching for the first time, but I think everyone has enjoyed their classes and students. For the first time this summer, the Americans are being included in the two team that compete against eachother all week for points. This means they are memorizing Scripture (they get to come up on stage and recite) and for big-time bonus points for their team, they can recite it in Polish! We'll see!
Gotta run as it's now quiet outside... that means everyone is heading to the evening worship time! Have a great day!

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