Wednesday, August 20, 2008

We're Back

Ok, so we've been back for two days. I didn't have access to wireless internet once we left the camp on Saturday and I was swamped with so many things yesterday. Hence the reason for not posting anything until now.

After miraculously making our plane (with luggage and all) on Monday, we arrived in Chicago around 3:30pm. It takes awhile getting through passport control & customs. So we didn't end up pulling out of O'Hare until 4:45pm. I remember distinctly because I looked at the clock! We appreciate our friend, Ed Green, who came and picked us up in our van. Trying to stay awake for the 3 hour drive back (remember, rush hour traffic in Chicago as well!) was not fun! The girls slept most of the way home. They also had both slept on the plane for about 2-3 hours. Needless to say, 3:00 am came and they were awake. Josh and I then were awake as well. We had gone straight to bed when we got home at 9pm. I had a good 6 hour rest! Neither of us could sleep. So what does a family do at 3 am in the morning?! The girls played and we started laundry and unpacking our 7 bags. By 8:30 am we were out the door! I took Kaylor to meet her kindergarten teacher and see her classroom. Then we went school supply shopping and food shopping! Josh and Lauren headed to Taylorville and out to the farm.

So, yesterday was a very busy day getting things back into order and Kaylor ready for school. It's now 4 am on Wednesday. I woke up at 2:30 and couldn't sleep. I stayed in bed, but tossed and turned. Then Kaylor came in to the room. She fell asleep, but I got up. No sooner at 3 am did Lauren wake up! I gave her a little milk and then ushered her back upstairs. I laid down with her, but she tossed and turned. Then who shows up back in her room, but Kaylor! So here I was laying in the middle of the girls...both of them tossing and turning because they can't sleep. I made the executive decision that it was time to get up and here we are at 4:45 am up and about! I was so worried that the girls would be so tired and I wouldn't be able to get Kaylor up and ready to make the school bus at 7:30 am. HA! We've got plenty of time!

In wrapping up my last post for awhile, I again thank all of you out there who have been following our time in Poland and for faithfully praying for us and the work in Poland. I will periodically post happenings of ProEm when I learn of things, so you can check back any time.

It's nice being home and in our own beds (for the short amount of time we are actually sleeping in them!). Have a blessed year!

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