Wednesday, July 23, 2008

A Heart of Worship

I know I post a lot of the "stuff" we're doing... and it's all great stuff. For instance, you know we have a time of worship and a message each evening. However, I haven't shared what it's really like during that time. I think it's because it's hard to put into words what it's like to worship God in another language. But not only the worshipping through music, it's the testimonies people share and the messages given. Tonight, tears clouded my eyes. We've been here for almost 3 weeks and I'm now beginning to be able to sing along in Polish. I don't know what it all means, but I do feel like I'm worshiping. I felt God's Spirit moving and the tears clouded my eyes because I felt very humbled. I am but one mere person who is loved by the Creator of the Universe. What an awesome honor to be in this land, experiencing God here and seeing His spirit moving among His people to draw more to Himself... and to worship Him through another language is so very cool (at least it is for me!!!).

You know... I love knowing that I am helping God reach people here. God wants to be known and glorified among all nations. Although I know Poland has been rooted and established in the church (and it's been interesting to learn more about the role of the church here and how communism affected things), there are so many people struggling to understand and make sense of what it means to truly know Him, to love Him and to know beyond a shadow of a doubt that they are loved BY Him. The way I've understood it to be, the Catholic Church here in Poland does not do a very good job in creating the environment that says it's ok to ask questions, to seek out truth, to know that we all have personal access to God Himself through prayer. (I at least see that in America.) I also get the impression that tradition and loyalty to the Catholic Church is of more importance than actually following Him or seeking to follow Him. That breaks my heart and I'm sure it has broken God's.

BUT... I've heard story after story of how individuals have met people from PROeM, from the Tomy Church (the camps, women's outreach conferences, English outreach programs like the one I'm helping with, etc) and realize they, too, want that personal relationship with God through Jesus and are being a light in a dark place. So I do count it an honor to be able to be a part of what God is doing here in Poland.

And may I just add, for all of you who have been walking this road with Josh and I from the very beginning, through the prayers, the financial support, the encouragement in whatever form it has been given... you, too, are a part of what God is doing here. The same goes to all of you who have joined us along the way! We have such a mighty and awesome God, don't we?!!!

We have a little more than 3 more weeks to serve here. We've met some really incredible people along the way. Those who know me, you know I like to "pick people's brains" and get into what their thinking, what God is doing in their lives, etc. So I've enjoyed "picking the brains" of some of the interns who are here serving. Some of the people are here for a mission's trip and some are people from other countries coming to camp for the first time (and they speak English enough for me to "pick"!). I love to see the wheels turning in people's heads and hearts... the wrestling that takes place when you experience God in another land.

The joke here is, "So when are you coming back?" (meaning: long-term). Most people leave with an incredible experience, yet it may be a "starry eyed" experience. Life is tough. Ministry is tough no matter what country you live in. Making a decision to come long-term is not one to take lightly. At this point in our lives, we believe serving Him in a long-term mission's trip setting (like what we're doing now) is productive for the Kingdom (God's!) and healthy for our family. It's been good for us to experience this together. I LOVE hearing the girls playing and singing the worship songs we get to sing all together. As they get older, they'll begin asking the question of "why do we go to Poland?" and I can't wait to explain it to them!

I can't wait to see God working in these next three weeks!

1 comment:

rccdavid said...

I came into the office early this morning to catch up on your blogs. I read them every day last week on vacation - but when I got back to the office, life got hectic and I've missed the last few days. Thanks for keeping us posted so we can know how to pray. I met with Amanda Gray yesterday (and have a funny story about that for another day!)What a great ball of energy wrapped up in a fine young woman. It looks promising. I'm praying for God to continue using your family the next 3 weeks.