Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Hebrews 11:1

Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.

It's morning and we've just finished our breakfast. The girls woke up earlier, which must be a sign that they are getting used to the time change. I just hope they don't get up any earlier than 7am!

In response to my brother the meterologist, the hail was pea/rock size. It came so quick and lasted but a few minutes. And I'll spend a few minutes on the other question about the purpose of the camp, goal, etc.

The overall purpose is to see youth come to a decision about Jesus Christ. So yes, it is spiritual. Camps serve as a platform to introduce them to Christ. We have a morning worship and Bible teaching time. The teaching time is centered around the theme for the week (because it's sports camp, they teach the Bible through sports. i.e. applying the rules and regulations of sports like what the Bible instructs us in how to live, etc.) Throughout the day, the children work on memorizing Scripture for points for their teams with their counselors. In the evening we have the second worship time where a message is given. Each night builds up to sharing the Gospel and offering an invitation. Teaching sports, like what Josh has been doing is integrated in the daily activities. There's no secret agenda that you learn about the Bible, etc. although it's advertised as a "multisport" or "English language" camp. ProEm is forthright about their purposes and focus and thus using different "platforms" is a way to draw a variety of youth to attend! It's such neat ministry to be a part of and my plan is to share some of proEm's history and personal stories of some of the staff.

I need to close this up and head to the morning worship time. Have a great day! And remember to focus on the verse of the day.... what faith is!

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