Saturday, July 5, 2008

We made it!

Well, I would write the scripture for today, but I seem to have forgotten to bring the prayer calendar with me! How DOES THAT happen?!! I will work on getting it emailed to me, but those of you out there that have one, I'm counting on you to pray through them until I get my hands on one!

In the meantime, here's the scoop on the last few days. I'm going to start in reverse order... what's going on right now: Lauren is sick. Yep.... we were into two hours of sleep last night and she woke up not feeling well. After an hour of keeping me up, I finally prayed, "please just let whatever is making her not feel good just come out." Not anticipating it'd be via mouth, we had a nice mess in our bed (she was by this time sleeping with Josh and I). Not going into any more detail (I'm sure you are saying thank you), let's just say it's been a long night and morning. We have new clean sheets, getting the bed mattress cleaned and Lauren seems to be doing better right now. So what's the most obvious thing you could pray for right now? Restored health. I'm not exactly surprised something like this happened as the Enemy would like to totally ruin the great beginning of our work here!

a) not knowing if we'd get on the plane or not because apparently Cheap Tickets didn't reserve our seats with the Polish Lot airline (found this out as we checked in...thank goodness we arrived before the rush of people)
b) a turbulent 9 hour plane ride and
c) a clutch "sticking" in the van that was causing things to overheat
d) heavy traffic in Warsaw (were they allllll trying to go where we wanted to go?!!)

we arrived at the Zakosciele Youth Camp last night right in time for dinner. It was great seeing old friends and introducing them to the girls and Josh. Right as we were trying to get the girls to bed (we have the 1 room "suite) in the Lodge, fireworks brought by the group from KY helping the camp this past week went off right outside the Lodge! We got to celebrate America's Independence Day in Poland. The kids at the camp just loved it!

Seems like there's so much I could write about. The weather is beautiful this morning. We have a "rest" day, which is good so Lauren can rest and recover.

Thank you for praying and we'll get some pictures up soon! Ann

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