Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Philippians 3:14

I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.

'm back with the Scriptures! I've missed them myself!! The day began with beautiful sunshine. Josh stayed with the girls as they were sleeping and I went down for devotions with the Polish counselors. Because there are American teams each week helping at the camps, there is someone translating. This morning's devotion was from a Polish man whose wife is helping with worship this week. He also preached last night's message. I liked the devotional thought as it reminded me of our purpose of coming: to serve. We (more than likely) won't have the privilege of personally sharing or explaining the gospel with a child, but our being here for 6 weeks to serve is an important role in helping those who are. While Josh was teaching baseball in the morning session, I took the girls and another boy (who is Polish and the girls' age) out for a walk around the camp and we picked up trash. It's amazing how you can pick up so much trash when there are bins all around the camp grounds! Nonetheless, it's one small way I can serve and have the girls serve as well this week.

In wrapping up my "bit" for today... we just had a rain down pour! It's been sunny all day with some clouds here and there, but just like yesterday (and maybe the same time?!) down came the rain. However, I think the rain has come and gone. Hope you all have a wonderful day back in the States as it's just beginning for you!

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