Tuesday, July 15, 2008

James 3:17, 18

But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure: then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. Peacemakers who sow in peace raise a harvest of righteousness.

It's been a busy last few days and not a whole lot of time to post the happenings of this week's camp. Although we have high school youth (around 100), the schedule is about the same with minor changes. The biggest change is that there's more free-time. Here's the basic schedule from week to week thus far!

7:30am- staff devotions (Josh and I rotate to stay in the room with the girls since they sleep till about then)
9:15am- morning Bible lesson/worship
10:00am- quiet time/personal study (in your rooms)
11:00am-group activity/game
12:00pm-free time or those who want to make videos with media team do so
1:00pm- lunch
"rest" time until 3pm (we like our rest!!!)- counselors meet and interns at camp meet
3pm- clubs (stamping or English or some American sport, wall climbing)
4pm- beach or sport game
5pm- free time
7pm- dinner
8pm- evening worship and message
9-9:30pm they have three places they can go to eat (a decorated deck called a pizzeria (we made pizzas last night and decorated tables with candles), the "grill" (meat, sausages, etc that takes place in the outdoor eating area by the snack shack), and then any snack from the snack shack itself.
10:30pm to cabins
11:00pm lights out

So obviously this week is a "late night" week with activities. We learned quickly that we have to put the girls to bed right after the worship portion ends and before the message is given. That puts them to bed about 8:30pm. We are fortunate enough to be able to have them sleep and have the door open. We all periodically check on them, even though we're located right down stairs in the lodge.

I want to ask you to pray for 5 girls in a cabin that my good friend, Natalia, is overseeing. These girls have been coming to camps/ weekend retreats, etc. for many years and are basically very complacent in their faith. They come to camp for the social aspect and have not shown Natalia any indication that they care to discuss spiritual things or grow in their faith. I'm trying to encourage her right now & ask you to pray for Natalia: that God would open up some doors in order for her to gain trust and respect with the girls and things that they may mutually have in common. Secondly, pray that she stays encouraged. Thirdly, pray for these girls (Patrycia, Basia, Gosia, Ola, Zuzia). I am praying that God would speak to them this week, that He would open their hearts so that He would impact them in a personal and real way. I just wish every child or youth would hear the message that God has a purpose for their life, that God can use them in a powerful way to impact our world! But most just need to hear that they can be and are loved unconditionally....and that's what I'm trying to encourage Natalia to do with these girls. Join me as we pray.

Another prayer request: two friends (our married couple who took us to Tomascow the other day) that we've gotten to know very well need prayer for their future. Pray for God to speak clearly to them about what His plan is for using them with ProEm ministries and in general. They are newly married and I think one of God's plans of using me (us) this summer is to be a listening friend and offer advise and wisdom (if I have any!!!) I thank God for speaking through me and helping in any way that I can in working through some of the "muddy" waters in life. I know Josh would speak the same. They will be leaving at the end of the month to go to the states for a month... which will be sad for us!!

So use the verse of the day as we all pray!

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